Ya’ll who has time to cut up your own fruit for a fruit tray? Not me. 

But I still struggle with “people-pleasing” so I have some kind of weird feeling deep down inside when I take the grocery store wrapper and sticker off to take said fruit tray to a picnic or party. People aren’t even judging me, they’re worried about whether their homemade cupcakes have egg shells in them, and I’m over here like “is sally judging me because she took the time and patience to make her dessert with her freaking kids and my kids peeled the sticker off of this in the back seat on the way here?”

First, the answer is no. They aren’t judging you… and second, even if they are snaps for them.

Anyway, here is my quick solution to make me not feel so guilty for not being “homemade mommy” VANILLA FRUIT DIP! Ya’ll and it is so darn easy and delicious! Let’s get started!

3 ingredients. 3 steps. 

1 (32 oz) container Vanilla Yogurt

1 (8oz) container of Cool Whip

1 (3.4oz) box Dry Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix


  1. In a large bowl, mix together all 3 ingredients until completely combined and there are no more lumps. The Mixture will seem a little gritty because the pudding hasn’t had time to dissolve yet. 
  2. Cover with plastic wrap or a bowl cover and allow to chill for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove, stir and serve. 
  4. Store in air-tight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. 

Boom. Done. Who really cares if you cut the fruit or the nice person at the grocery did. Look at it this way, you’re blessing someone with a job. That’s capitalism at its finest. I’ll clap for that. 

Thanks everyone! Hope it helps curb your mom guilt like it does mine!